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Import historical data

The CometChat message import API allows application owners and admins to import existing chat messages data from any source into CometChat.

General Instructions:

  1. The authentication mechanism for these APIs follows the same authentication as all public CometChat REST APIs. Please use your app REST API Key in the header.
  2. The Base URL for the APIs is https://<appId>.api-<region>
  3. The HTTP request data will be in JSON format.
  4. The HTTP response from CometChat will also be in JSON format.

Import Messages API Usage

To import messages send post requests to the import api with bulk arrays of message records in chronological. To process large set of records multiple requests can be made. Each record in the array must contain a single message data record that conform with the restrictions as specified by the Send Message APIs.

The total message count of all imported messages must be within the limit shared in the import support ticket. Each record contains a unique message id referred to as muid. The array key and the muid value must be the same.

The return status for each muid will be documented in the response messages under data.<muid>.success. The value of this parameter can be:

  1. true: indicating import execution success for that muid.
  2. false: indicating import execution failure for that muid.

In case of a failure, the error details will be noted in data.<muid>.error.

Please note that the request can have many messages to be imported, each with a separate muid. It is possible that a message may not be imported due to incorrect data supplied or a runtime error. In this case, its error code will be documented under its muid structure in the response.

In case of such an error, correct the data being supplied in the API as per the error code indicated and resend the failed message data in a new API call. It is not expected to include the messages which were successfully imported in the preceding API call which resulted in the error for certain messages.

Visit Message Import API to start with your imports.

Request Format

"messages": {
"1": {
"id": "200",
"muid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426652340000",
"sender": "<SENDER UID>",
"receiverType": "user",
"receiver": "<RECEIVER UID>",
"type": "text",
"category": "message",
"data": {
"text": "Hi there,",
"attachments": [
"name": "hi.png",
"extension": "png",
"size": "350.2",
"mimeType": "image_png",
"url": "https:__data-eu.cometchat.io_assets_images_avatars_ironman.png"
"metad2ata": {
"key": "value"
"custodata": {
"key": "value"
"sentAt": "1674104348",
"deliveredAt": "1674224684",
"readAt": "1674224684",
"tags": [

Response Format

"data": {
"201": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"data": {
"muid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426652340000",
"id": "201",
"conversationId": "<CONVERSATION ID>",
"sender": "<SENDER UID>",
"receiverType": "user",
"receiver": "<RECEIVER UID>",
"category": "message",
"type": "text",
"data": {
"text": "Hi there!!",
"entities": {
"sender": {
"entity": {
"uid": "<SENDER UID>",
"name": "<SENDER NAME>",
"avatar": "<SENDER AVATAR>",
"status": "offline",
"role": "default",
"createdAt": 1674211544
"entityType": "user"
"receiver": {
"entity": {
"uid": "<RECEIVER UID>",
"name": "<RECIVER NAME>",
"avatar": "<RECEIVER AVATAR>",
"status": "offline",
"role": "default",
"createdAt": 1674211544
"entityType": "user"
"sentAt": 1674104348,
"deliveredAt": 1674224684,
"readAt": 1674224684,
"updatedAt": 1674104348,
"tags": [

Import Users API Usage

To import users send post requests to the import api with bulk arrays of user records. To process large set of records multiple requests can be made. Each record in the array must contain a single user record. The array key and the uid value must be the same.

The return status for each uid will be documented in the response messages under data.<uid>.success. The value of this parameter can be:

  1. true -> indicating import execution success for that uid.
  2. false -> indicating import execution failure for that uid.

In case of a failure, the error details will be noted in data.<uid>.error.

Please note that the request can have many users to be imported, each with a separate uid. It is possible that a user may not be imported due to incorrect data supplied or a runtime error. In this case, its error code will be documented under its uid structure in the response.

In case of such an error, correct the data being supplied in the API as per the error code indicated and resend the failed user data in a new API call. It is not expected to include the users which were successfully imported in the preceding API call which resulted in the error for certain users.

Visit User Import API to start with your imports.

Request Format

"users": {
"<uid>": {
"uid": "<uid>",
"role": "<ROLE>",
"link": "<PROFILE_PAGE_URL>",
"avatar": "<AVATAR_URL>",
"createdAt": "<UNIX_TIMESTAMP>",
"lasActiveAt": "<UNIX_TIMESTAMP>",
"metadata": {
"tags": [],
"deactivatedAt": "<UNIX_TIMESTAMP>"

Response Format

"data": {
"user33": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"data": {
"uid": "user33",
"name": "user 31",
"avatar": "https:__data-eu.cometchat.io_assets_images_avatars_ironman.png",
"metadata": {
"key": "value"
"status": "offline",
"role": "default",
"lastActiveAt": 1673421419,
"deactivatedAt": 1673421419,
"createdAt": 1673421419,
"updatedAt": 1674155164


Next steps

To learn more about importing data in to CometChat, visit our Data import API docs