Message events
The endpoint will be triggered when a message is in-flight.
"trigger": "before_message",
"data": {
"conversationId": "superhero4_user_superhero5",
"sender": "superhero5",
"receiverType": "user",
"receiver": "superhero4",
"category": "message",
"type": "text",
"data": {
"text": "Hi Webhook Test",
"entities": {
"sender": {
"entity": {
"uid": "superhero5",
"name": "Cyclops",
"avatar": "",
"status": "offline",
"role": "default"
"entityType": "user"
"receiver": {
"entity": {
"uid": "superhero4",
"name": "Wolverine",
"avatar": "",
"status": "offline",
"role": "default"
"entityType": "user"
"sentAt": 1586435925,
"updatedAt": 1586435925,
"appId": "167*****1529",
"webhook": "send-message"
The endpoint will be triggered after a message is sent.
"trigger": "after_message",
"data": {
"id": "1",
"conversationId": "superhero4_user_superhero5",
"sender": "superhero5",
"receiverType": "user",
"receiver": "superhero4",
"category": "message",
"type": "text",
"data": {
"text": "Hi Webhook Test",
"entities": {
"sender": {
"entity": {
"uid": "superhero5",
"name": "Cyclops",
"avatar": "",
"status": "offline",
"role": "default"
"entityType": "user"
"receiver": {
"entity": {
"uid": "superhero4",
"name": "Wolverine",
"avatar": "",
"status": "offline",
"role": "default"
"entityType": "user"
"sentAt": 1586435925,
"updatedAt": 1586435925,
"appId": "167*****1529",
"webhook": "send-message"
The endpoint will be triggered when a message is marked delivered.
"trigger": "message_delivery_receipt",
"appId": "167*****1529",
"origin": {
"platform": "WEBSOCKET"
"chatAPIVersion?": "3.0",
"region?": "us|eu|other",
"webhook": "webhook_name",
"data": {
"messageId": "MESSAGE_ID",
"receiptType": "delivered",
"deliveredAt": 1673017183,
"receiverType": "user|group"
The endpoint will be triggered when a message is marked read.
"trigger": "message_read_receipt",
"appId": "167*****1529",
"origin": {
"platform": "WEBSOCKET"
"chatAPIVersion?": "3.0",
"region?": "us|eu|other",
"webhook": "webhook_name",
"data": {
"messageId": "MESSAGE_ID",
"receiptType": "read",
"readAt": 1673017183,
"receiverType": "user|group"
User-related events
The endpoint will be triggered when a users logs in or logs out of CometChat.
"trigger": "after_connection_status_changed",
"appId": "167*****1529",
"origin": {
"chatAPIVersion?": "3.0",
"region?": "us|eu|other",
"webhook": "webhook_name",
"data": {
"user": {
"uid": "uid of the user",
"status": "online|offline",
"status_updated": true,
"status_updated_at": "unixtimestamp in millisec"
"event": {
"type": "connected|disconnected",
"at": "unixtimestamp in millisec",
"event_for": {
"connected_at": "unixtimestamp in millisec",
"cometchat_device_id": "unique device id used by cometchat to identify the device(random string)",
"session_id": "unique id to indetify the unique session of users",
"platform": "android|ios|web"
"connections": [
"connected_at": "unixtimestamp in millisec",
"cometchat_device_id": "unique device id used by cometchat to identify the device(random string)",
"session_id": "unique id to indetify the unique session of users",
"platform": "android|ios|web"
"connected_at": "unixtimestamp in millisec",
"cometchat_device_id": "unique device id used by cometchat to identify the device(random string)",
"session_id": "unique id to indetify the unique session of users",
"platform": "android|ios|web"