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Version: v4

Threaded Messages


ThreadedMessages is a Composite Component that displays all replies made to a particular message in a conversation. By default, the parent message will be displayed at the top, the message composer will be at the bottom and between them a message list will contain all replies.


ThreadedMessages is composed of the following components:

MessageListCometChatMessageList is a component that displays a list of Messages
MessageComposerCometChatMessageComposer is a component that helps in writing and editing of messages and also sending attachments



As CometChatThreadedMessages is a view controller, you can launch it by adding the following code snippet.

let threadedMessage = CometChatThreadedMessages()

Ensure to pass and present threadedMessage. If a navigation controller is already in use, utilize the pushViewController function instead of directly presenting the view controller.


Actions dictate how a component functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the component to fit your specific needs.

ThreadedMessages does not have its own actions. However, you can override the behavior of the ThreadedMessages component by using the actions of its Components, with the help of Configurations.


In this example, we are overriding the setOnThreadRepliesClick of the MessageList Component using MessageListConfiguration and applying it to ThreadedMessages.

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.setOnThreadRepliesClick { message, messageBubbleView in
// Perform your action

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(threadedMessageConfiguration: threadedMessageConfiguration)


Filters allow you to customize the data displayed in a list within a Component. You can filter the list based on your specific criteria, allowing for a more customized. Filters can be applied using RequestBuilders of ChatSDK.

ThreadedMessages does not have its own Filters. However, you can filter the messages list in ThreadedMessages Component using MessageListConfiguration.


In this example, we are filtering messages and searching for messages that contain the keyword "payment".

let messageRequestBuilder =  MessagesRequest.MessageRequestBuilder()
.set(uid: "your UID")
.set(searchKeyword: "sure")

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(messagesRequestBuilder: messageRequestBuilder)

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)
.set(user: user)
.set(threadedMessageConfiguration: threadedMessageConfiguration)


Events are emitted by a Component. By using event you can extend existing functionality. Being global events, they can be applied in Multiple Locations and are capable of being Added or Removed.

The MessageList Component does not emit any events of its own.


To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the conversation component. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


ThreadedMessagesStyle contains various properties which can be used to customize the UI of CometChatThreadedMessages.

let threadedMessagesStyle = ThreadedMessagesStyle()
.set(doneButtonTextColor: .brown)
.set(background: .white)
.set(bubbleViewPrimaryBackgroundColor: .blue)
.set(bubbleViewSecondaryBackgroundColor: .gray)

List of properties available for configuring in ThreadedMessagesStyle:

doneButtonTextColorallows to modify the color of the text in the done button. Defaults to CometChatTheme.palatte.primary..set(doneButtonTextColor:UIColor)
doneButtonTextFontallows to modify the font of the text in the done button.set(doneButtonTextFont:UIFont)
backgroundUsed to customize the background color. Defaults to CometChatTheme.palatte.background..set(background:UIColor)
actionItemTitleFontallows to modify the font of the title in the action item view.set(actionItemTitleFont:UIFont)
actionItemTitleColorallows to modify the color of the title in the action item view.set(actionItemTitleColor:UIColor)
bubbleViewBackgroundColorUsed to set background color of the bubble view for a message that has been received or a message other than text that has been sent . Defaults to CometChatTheme.palatte.background..set(bubbleViewBackgroundColor:UIColor)
bubbleViewPrimaryBackgroundColorUsed to set background color of the bubble view for a text message that has been sent. Defaults to CometChatTheme.palatte.primary..set(bubbleViewPrimaryBackgroundColor:UIColor)
bubbleViewSecondaryBackgroundColorUsed to set background color of the bubble view for a message that has been received or a message other than text that has been sent. Defaults to CometChatTheme.palatte.secondary..set(bubbleViewSecondaryBackgroundColor:UIColor)
actionItemBackgroundColorallows to modify the background color of the action item view. Defaults to CometChatTheme.palatte.background..set(actionItemBackgroundColor:UIColor)


For advanced-level customization, you can set custom views to the component. This lets you tailor each aspect of the component to fit your exact needs and application aesthetics. You can create and define your views, layouts, and UI elements and then incorporate those into the component.


By using .set(templates: allTempalte), You can set styling to message bubble view inside ThreadedMessage Component.

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(templates: allTemplates)

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(threadedMessageConfiguration: threadedMessageConfiguration)
.set(user: user)



In this example, we will set styling to message bubble view which we get from setOnThreadRepliesClick Action of MessageList Component and apply custom styles on it.

let messageListStyle = MessageListStyle()
.set(threadReplySeperatorColor: .cyan)
.set(timestampTextColor: .green)

let cometChatCornerStyle = CometChatCornerStyle.init(cornerRadius: 11)

var allTemplates = CometChatUIKit.getDataSource().getAllMessageTemplates()
if let textIndex = allTemplates.firstIndex(where: { $0.type == "text" }) {
var textTemplate = allTemplates[textIndex]
textTemplate.bubbleView = { baseMessage, messageBubbleAlignment, controller in

let textMessageStyle = TextBubbleStyle()
.set(borderWidth: 5)
.set(borderColor: .systemPurple)

let textBubbleView = CometChatUIKit.getDataSource().getTextMessageBubble(messageText: nil, message: baseMessage as? TextMessage, controller: controller, alignment: messageBubbleAlignment, style: textMessageStyle)

return textBubbleView
allTemplates[textIndex] = textTemplate

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(alignment: .leftAligned)
.set(messageListStyle: messageListStyle)
.set(templates: allTemplates)

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(backIcon: UIImage(systemName: "checkmark")!)
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(threadedMessageConfiguration: threadedMessageConfiguration)
.set(user: user)


By utilizing the setMessageActionView() method, you can assign custom actions to the parent message bubble view inside the ThreadedMessage Component.

 let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.setMessageActionView { message in




In this example, we are setting mock smart reply view to parent message bubble in ThreadedMessages Component.

class CustomActionView: UIView {

let actionButton: UIButton

override init(frame: CGRect) {
actionButton = UIButton(type: .system)
actionButton.backgroundColor? = .purple
actionButton.tintColor = .systemPurple

actionButton.setTitle("Smart Reply", for: .normal)

let image = UIImage(systemName: "arrow.up.forward.and.arrow.down.backward")
actionButton.setImage(image, for: .normal)

actionButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

super.init(frame: frame)


actionButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonTapped), for: .touchUpInside)

required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

private func setupButtonConstraints() {
actionButton.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.leadingAnchor, constant: 8),
actionButton.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.centerYAnchor)

@objc private func buttonTapped() {
print("Button was tapped!")
let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(alignment: .standard)

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(backIcon: UIImage(systemName: "checkmark")!)
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)
.setMessageActionView { message in
let customactionView = CustomActionView()
return customactionView

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(threadedMessageConfiguration: threadedMessageConfiguration)
.set(user: user)


Configurations offer the ability to customize the properties of each individual component within a Composite Component.

The ThreadedMessages is a Composite Component, and it has a distinct set of configurations for each of its components as follows.


If you want to customize the properties of the MessageList Component inside ThreadedMessages Component, you need use the MessageListConfiguration object.

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)

The MessageListConfiguration provides access to all the Action, Filters, Styles, Functionality, and Advanced properties of the MessageList component.

Please note that the properties marked with the report symbol are not accessible within the Configuration Object.



In this example, we will be changing the list alignment and modifying the message bubble styles in the MessageList component using MessageListConfiguration.

let messageListStyle  = MessageListStyle()
.set(nameTextColor: .orange)
.set(timestampTextColor: .green)
.set(borderColor: .cyan)
.set(borderWidth: 12)
.set(threadReplyTextColor: .red)

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(alignment: .standard)
.set(leftThreadIcon: UIImage(systemName: "bell")!)
.set(messageListStyle: messageListStyle)

let threadedMessageConfiguration = ThreadedMessageConfiguration()
.set(backIcon: UIImage(systemName: "checkmark")!)
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(threadedMessageConfiguration: threadedMessageConfiguration)
.set(user: user)


If you want to customize the properties of the MessageComposer Component inside ThreadedMessages Component, you need use the MessageComposerConfiguration object.

let messageComposerConfiguration = MessageComposerConfiguration()

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(messageComposerConfiguration: messageComposerConfiguration)

The MessageComposerConfiguration provides access to all the Action, Filters, Styles, Functionality, and Advanced properties of the MessageComposer component.

Please note that the properties marked with the report symbol are not accessible within the Configuration Object.



In this example, we'll be adding a custom header view and customizing some properties of the MessageComposer component using MessageComposerConfiguration.

let messageComposerStyle  = MessageComposerStyle()
.set(inputBorderColor: .systemCyan)
.set(textColor: .systemBrown)
.set(background: .yellow)
.set(sendIconTint: .green)
.set(inputBackground: .systemGray4)

let messageComposerConfiguration = MessageComposerConfiguration()
.set(messageComposerStyle: messageComposerStyle)
.set(headerView: CustomActionView()) // You can pass your own custom view

let messageListStyle = MessageListStyle()
.set(nameTextColor: .orange)
.set(timestampTextColor: .green)
.set(borderColor: .cyan)
.set(borderWidth: 12)
.set(threadReplyTextColor: .red)

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(alignment: .standard)
.set(leftThreadIcon: UIImage(systemName: "bell")!)
.set(messageListStyle: messageListStyle)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageComposerConfiguration: messageComposerConfiguration)