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Version: v4

Ban/Kick Member from a Group

There are certain actions that can be performed on the group members:

  1. Kick a member from the group
  2. Ban a member from the group
  3. Unban a member from the group
  4. Update the scope of the member of the group

All of the above actions can only be performed by the Admin or the Moderator of the group.

Kick a Group Member

The Admin or Moderator of a group can kick a member out of the group using the kickGroupMember() method.

String uid= "superhero3";
String guid = "GUID";
CometChat.kickGroupMember(guid: guid,uid: uid,
onSuccess: (String message) {
debugPrint("Group Member Kicked Successfully : $message");
}, onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Group Member Kicked failed : ${e.message}");

The kickGroupMember() takes following parameters:

UIDThe UID of the user to be kicked
GUIDThe GUID of the group from which user is to be kicked

The kicked user will be no longer part of the group and can not perform any actions in the group, but the kicked user can rejoin the group.

Ban a Group Member

The Admin or Moderator of the group can ban a member from the group using the banGroupMember() method.

String uid= "superhero3";
String guid = "GUID";
CometChat.banGroupMember(guid: guid,uid: uid,
onSuccess: (String message) {
debugPrint("Group Member Banned Successfully : $message");
},onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Group Member Ban failed : ${e.message}");

The banGroupMember() method takes the following parameters:

UIDThe UID of the user to be banned
GUIDThe GUID of the group from which user is to be banned

The banned user will be no longer part of the group and can not perform any actions in the group. A banned user cannot rejoin the group same group without being unbanned.

Unban a Banned Group Member from a Group

Only Admin or Moderators of the group can unban a previously banned member from the group using the unbanGroupMember() method.

String uid= "superhero3";
String guid = "GUID";
CometChat.unbanGroupMember(guid: guid,uid: uid,
onSuccess: (String message) {
debugPrint("Group Member Unbanned Successfully : $message");
onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Group Member Unban failed : ${e.message}");

The unbanGroupMember() method takes the following parameters

UIDThe UID of the user to be unbanned
GUIDThe UID of the group from which user is to be banned

The unbanned user can now rejoin the group.

Get List of Banned Members for a Group

In order to fetch the list of banned groups members for a group, you can use the BannedGroupMembersRequest class. To use this class i.e to create an object of the BannedGroupMembersRequest class, you need to use the BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder class. The BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder class allows you to set the parameters based on which the banned group members are to be fetched.

The BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder class allows you to set the below parameters:

The GUID of the group for which the banned members are to be fetched must be specified in the constructor of the GroupMembersRequestBuilder class.

Set Limit

This method sets the limit i.e. the number of banned members that should be fetched in a single iteration.

BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder builder = BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder(guid: conversationWith);
BannedGroupMembersRequest bannedGroupMembersRequest = (builder
..limit = 50

Set Search Keyword

This method allows you to set the search string based on which the banned group members are to be fetched.

BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder builder = BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder(guid: conversationWith);
BannedGroupMembersRequest bannedGroupMembersRequest = (builder
..limit = 50
..searchKeyword = "abc"

Finally, once all the parameters are set to the builder class, you need to call the build() method to get the object of the BannedGroupMembersRequest class.

Once you have the object of the BannedGroupMembersRequest class, you need to call the fetchNext() method. Calling this method will return a list of GroupMember objects containing n number of banned members where n is the limit set in the builder class.

BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder builder = BannedGroupMembersRequestBuilder(guid: conversationWith);
BannedGroupMembersRequest bannedGroupMembersRequest = (builder
..limit = 50

bannedGroupMembersRequest.fetchNext( onSuccess: (List<GroupMember> groupMembers) {
debugPrint("Banned Group Members Fetched Successfully : $groupMembers");
},onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Banned Group Members Fetch failed with exception: ${e.message}");

Real-Time Group Member Kicked/Banned Events

In other words, as a member of a group, how do I know when someone is banned/kicked when my app is running?

In order to get real-time events for the kick/ban/unban group members you need to override the following methods of the GroupListener class.

  1. onGroupMemberKicked() - Triggered when any group member has been kicked.
  2. onGroupMemberBanned() - Triggered when any group member has been banned.
  3. onGroupMemberUnbanned() - Triggered when any group member has been unbanned.
class Class_Name  with GroupListener {

//CometChat.addGroupListener("group_Listener_id", this);

void onGroupMemberKicked(Action action, User kickedUser, User kickedBy, Group kickedFrom) {
print("onGroupMemberKicked ");
void onGroupMemberBanned(Action action, User bannedUser, User bannedBy, Group bannedFrom) {

print("onGroupMemberBanned ");

void onGroupMemberUnbanned(Action action, User unbannedUser, User unbannedBy, Group unbannedFrom) {
print("onGroupMemberUnbanned ");

Missed Group Member Kicked/Banned Events

In other words, as a member of a group, how do I know when someone is banned/kicked when my app is not running?

When you retrieve the list of previous messages if a member has been kicked/banned/unbanned from any group that the logged-in user is a member of, the list of messages will contain an Action message. An Action message is a sub-class of BaseMessage class.

For group member kicked event, the details can be obtained using the below fields of the Action class-

  1. action - kicked
  2. actionBy - User object containing the details of the user who has kicked the member
  3. actionOn - User object containing the details of the member that has been kicked
  4. actionFor - Group object containing the details of the Group from which the member was kicked

For group member banned event, the details can be obtained using the below fields of the Action class-

  1. action - banned
  2. actionBy - User object containing the details of the user who has banned the member
  3. actionOn - User object containing the details of the member that has been banned
  4. actionFor - Group object containing the details of the Group from which the member was banned

For group member unbanned event, the details can be obtained using the below fields of the Action class-

  1. action - unbanned
  2. actionBy - User object containing the details of the user who has unbanned the member
  3. actionOn - User object containing the details of the member that has been unbanned
  4. actionFor - Group object containing the details of the Group from which the member was unbanned